1. Sqlite3 WebAssembly view 86 comments
  2. The C23 edition of Modern C view 130 comments
  3. Show HN: I built the most over-engineered Deal With It emoji generator view 107 comments
  4. Show HN: I 3D scanned the tunnels inside the Maya Pyramid Temples at Copan view 35 comments
  5. CapibaraZero: A cheap alternative to FlipperZero based on ESP32-S3 view 1 comments
  6. All possible plots by major authors (2020) view 58 comments
  7. Asterinas: OS kernel written in Rust and providing Linux-compatible ABI view 39 comments
  8. Web Browser Engineering (2021) view 101 comments
  9. Show HN: Graphite, a Blender-inspired 2D procedural design Rust app view 2 comments
  10. Apple introduces iPad mini built for Apple Intelligence view 199 comments
  11. Mothbox 4.0 view 16 comments
  12. Show HN: Pumpkin – A Modern Minecraft server written in Rust view 103 comments
  13. The Sundial Cannon of Åtvidaberg (2017) view 9 comments
  14. Try to fix it one level deeper view discussion
  15. Zep AI (YC W24) Is Hiring AI Engineers and Dev Advocates view discussion
  16. Meta's open AI hardware vision view 90 comments
  17. Forscape – A Language and Editor for Scientific Computation view 9 comments
  18. Beyond Dune: Accelerating with EVM Query Language view 1 comments
  19. The Future of Big Iron: An Interview with IBM’s Christian Jacobi view 7 comments
  20. Seeing God and Burning Plastic view 3 comments
  21. PEP 762 – REPL-acing the default REPL view 43 comments
  22. Big advance on simple-sounding math problem was a century in the making view 22 comments
  23. Show HN: Mermaid ASCII Diagrams view 23 comments
  24. Life expectancy rise in rich countries slows down: took 30 years to prove view 130 comments
  25. Command AI Bought by Amplitude view 19 comments
  26. Show HN: MacProxy Plus – Surf the Modern Web on Vintage Computers view 19 comments
  27. Show HN: Arch – an intelligent prompt gateway built on Envoy view 7 comments
  28. Short films by Lillian F. Schwartz (1927-2024) view 15 comments
  29. In Jordan, a ‘stunning’ discovery under Petra’s ancient stone view 35 comments
  30. A not so fast implementation of cosine similarity in C++ and SIMD view 9 comments