Obsidian is now free for work


266 points by hisamafahri a day ago

crooked-v - a day ago

I feel like the Obsidian Publish pricing model is a bit off. Having it "per site" feels like nickel-and-diming for small things that's kept me on Notion for a lot of miscellaneous web-published projects. It would be more appealing for at least me if it was something with a higher flat rate that then doesn't care about the exact divisions between your projects.

ldoughty - a day ago

Doing a quick look at their homepage and pricing pages I don't think it's communicating it's value proposition well... Or I just don't understand this use case. Am I missing something?

Is there more to this than syncing notes across devices and (optionally) hosting them on a web page? Maybe 'notes' isn't the best term, but that's the term the site uses ... Does seem to include markdownish support? And if you pay $96/year you get a node graphic layout option?

gnabgib - a day ago

Discussion (54 points, 31 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43115767

aendruk - 3 hours ago

Ironic. Two days ago I migrated all my notes to Joplin specifically avoid Obsidian’s complicated licensing around commercial use.

otterpro - a day ago

Aww man, I just paid for one out of my pocket just few weeks ago, after procrastinating for months. I use Obsidian for taking notes on my work laptop. I think I'm the only one at work who uses Obsidian, and everyone else at work use OneNote or just plain text or something else. Anyway, I hope Obsidian continues to thrive, as it was the only note app that was good enough to make me switch from vim (and onenote and nvalt). I feel it is the only note app that really understands its users, and it shames all other commercial note apps.

dnel - 10 hours ago

Good, but I'm now deep into logseq for work use and switching now is unlikely. Their previous terms were a barrier, it created a chicken and egg problem that meant I never got onboard enough to consider paying for a license. Most people I know that got into it did so outside of work but I never had a need for it there.

- a day ago