Spice86 – A PC emulator for real mode reverse engineering


164 points by alberto-m a day ago

ggambetta - a day ago

Oooh, I LOVE this! Especially the ability to "Overriding emulated code with C# code" I had a similar idea years ago (https://gabrielgambetta.com/remakes.html), not in the context of a debugger or reverse engineering per se, but in the context of remakes and "special edition" games. Not entirely surprised that this is a byproduct of OpenRakis. Amazing work!

gexos - a day ago

Reverse engineering old games is like digital archaeology—except instead of digging up fossils, you’re unearthing spaghetti code and DRM nightmares. Spice86 seems like an exciting new shovel for the job!

johnklos - a day ago

Forty years ago I had a Sinclair QL with an 8086 emulator. Because the Sinclair QL had preemptive multitasking, I could easily search memory for patterns, monitor locations, stop and start the emulation, or change memory programmatically and easily from the QDOS side. It was worlds easier than using a debugger, particularly since I didn't own an 8086 system.

I always thought it was a clever way to get insights in to software while it was running that wasn't available to people with 8086 systems, and it's interesting to see this idea so many years later.

DrNosferatu - a day ago

A tutorial on how to reverse engineer a simple DOS game would be absolutely awesome!

eminence32 - a day ago

Question from a reverse-engineering noob:

Why can't ghidra (or any other reverse engineering tool) be used directly on the .exe? Why do you have to go through this emulator? Is it because the thing you want to debug only runs in x86 realmode?

bernadus_edwin - a day ago

Why are so many emulators written in C#?