How to turn off Apple Intelligence on your iPhone

39 points by laktak 2 months ago

netdevphoenix - 2 months ago

My worry with the current generation of LLMs branded as "AI" that at some point in the future long time after LLMs become fully obsolete, a new kind of AI tech will come along and it will be difficult to brand it because "AI" was already used before (see LLMs) and has negative snake-oil connotations.

It's like humans calling the period they live in "contemporary". It make as little sense for stone age people to do it, as it did for medieval people and as it does for us. We need to start thinking more about the future and not the 10-years from now future but the 300 years from now future.

pupppet - 2 months ago

My concern with Apple Intelligence is Apple devs being forced to shoehorn AI into the UX of a wide variety of apps, I’m not looking forward to the fallout from the added complexity.

Over2Chars - 2 months ago

I suspect disabling this is absolutely the right thing to do.

But I'm curious, has anyone really made any effort to test this so-called AI first to see if it's at all useful, or lives up to any level of expectation?

Or is there some a priori evil element to justify this (Tim Cook slurping up all your data and using it for training and advertising without consent or opt out) that I don't know about?

throw5959 - 2 months ago

How to turn on Apple Intelligence on EU iPhone?

altairprime - 2 months ago

The Verge article is missing a setting under Apps > Mail > Summarize to disable.

throwaway314155 - 2 months ago

tl;dr - Settings > Apple Intelligence & Siri > Disable top toggle labeled "Apple Intelligence"

I would be surprised if most iPhone users couldn't figure this out themselves so my personal hunch is this article is mostly clickbait for anti-AI folks who already have these features disabled. In particular, because the only way to disable it is to have opted in to it in the first place and that flow is very similar to the disable flow.