I deleted my social media accounts


199 points by joemanaco 8 hours ago

nindalf - 7 hours ago

This advice to quit social media is always a hit on HN. When I was 10 years younger I read the same thing on HN, was thoroughly convinced and quit social media. I even followed the advice of trying to stay in touch by email. Sure.

Turns out that a lot of people I knew posted huge life updates that I completely missed out on. I asked them why they didn’t tell me and they were confused. They said the posted it on social media. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know a lack of social media meant that I have lost touch with old acquaintances completely. I have a few close friends and that’s it.

Maybe that’s an ok tradeoff to make, but it’s worth knowing that before getting into it.

bflesch - 7 hours ago

I wouldn't delete social media accounts because they might become available to register for malicious actors who can then impersonate you. Keep the accounts, just don't use them any more.

chmaynard - 7 hours ago

I love this:

"Maybe I’ll go old-school and write more blog posts. Like back in the early 2000s, when you actually had to think before sharing your thoughts with the world. Sounds quaint, doesn’t it?"

scarface_74 - 27 minutes ago

I think commenters here are missing out on one beneficial part of social media - Facebook groups and communities of interest especially private, moderated groups. Broadcast and discussions are a perfect use case for it.

And people talk about how bad Facebook is, LinkedIn is far worse. Everyone is trying to be a “thought leader” and no one is genuine on it.

I have a decent LinkedIn Profile with recommendations, up to date career information. But I never post to it.

I’m only really active when I’m looking for a job. I will respond to messages and try to keep my network somewhat warm.

wruza - 7 hours ago

I'm just not reading any of it - not interested. SM addiction is so 2015. I have technical accounts to be able to search for something (e.g. while training loras) or to watch without annoying popups when someone links me to it.

This dramatic deletion is overreaction, solve the underlying problem instead.

Rather than scrolling instagram and tiktok, visit /news and /newest, and then /ask, /show. If nothing interesting there, refresh the /newest until there is. You can be first in upvoting or commenting on it, and can get a good bump to your score if you say something that sounds smart before it hits the frontpage. Then you can re-read the quality content you produced and count how much is left to the round number, like it's only 40 to 9700, only 340 to 10000, etc. Much healthier than just scrolling endlessly and sharing memes.

amikaeel - 7 hours ago

I deleted social media around 2.5 years ago. After feeling extreme anxiety and withdrawal for about a week I realized this was the right move. I gained massive amounts of productivity, felt more awake than ever, and realized just how many HOURS I was killing browsing. It sounds like the usual rant, but I truly think that in 10-15 years there will be a huge anti social media movement after we fully realize the damage. Social media as a concept is wonderful but in reality it adds nothing meaningful to our lives.

Over2Chars - 5 hours ago

How about a simple rule of thumb: you have to actually meet or talk with a "facebook friend" (every month or more) or else delete/unfriend them.

If after a few months you have zero "facebook friends" nuke the account.

Internet updates are no substitute for good old meat space.

ozim - 6 hours ago

I had FB account when it was novelty and it was still a social network.

I removed account like 10 years ago when it already was clear it is not social network anymore.

I also never had a twitter really besides some account to check what it is and left it unused.

Only LI is one I keep for business purposes but I don’t care about social aspect or discussion there - it is basically a virtual business card and it is quite popular so it’s useful I guess.

kelvinjps10 - an hour ago

for me is not the daily use that is useful, but from time to time, I need to buy or sell something and Facebook marketplace is good for that. Or I need to find the contact information of someone and it is also useful for that (Facebook). And for twitter, before I didn't even need to create an account I just use it for seeing updates of government officials or app/services updates

onemoresoop - 3 hours ago

Social media has become a river of trash(and for me that’s what advertising and peddling to sell stuff is) that if you spend effort on you can find some good gems. But the effort spent is not worth the gems. It’s more or less rescuing fully undigested peanuts in turds.

alexwasserman - 4 hours ago

"So, I quit. Twitter, TikTok, Facebook — all gone"

I'm always curious here what counts as Social Media, and what's just a useful site?

Github? HackerNews? Reddit? Facebook, but only for FB Marketplace which is now a better local sales site than Craigslist?

What makes it social? Originally with FB and before it with MySpace it was the ability to put up a page about yourself, and then chat with others. HN has a profile and communication, so do the others listed.

penjelly - 3 hours ago

Don't agree with author, but related to the desire to delete social media... I've noticed Instagram has been adding more features to bait time from users. A new one being, if you wait long enough on a given reel, it'll suggest you posts your follows liked (or commented on) in the top right corner. This is super creepy and I imagine could be easily gamed by stalkers. These types of features that try to engage me even deeper have made me consider actually removing IG altogether like I deleted Facebook a long time ago

__coder__ - an hour ago

Its been 6 months without social media. I didn't missed any news or update that really matters to me.

toephu2 - 7 hours ago

I stopped going on social media apps and felt my mental health improved at least 2x.

You should try it too!

duxup - 6 hours ago

I quit facebook long ago. Recently I found out an old friend from years ago had died in the past 6 months, and I had no idea. I got an email at an old email address but that aside everyone knew except me.

It’s hard to quit when everyone else doesn’t.

UberFly - 7 hours ago

Nothing like a random politically biased opinion piece to drum up random political opinions on HN. Pass.

roddylindsay - 6 hours ago

For me outright deletion just led to other issues like missing out on events / family photos / chats with people I otherwise wasn’t connected to. The target for most people is probably low-moderate use. <shamelessplug> Personally I struggled to achieve balance with my social media usage for years and spent the last two years building out a coaching service to help people like myself keeping social media under a daily time allowance…think of it as a personal trainer (with real accountability and all) for social media and other everyday habits. We just launched this week at zabit.com if anyone wants to check it out.</shamelessplug>

fredzel - 7 hours ago

> Once the accounts were finally gone, I realized just how much of a grip these platforms had on me. The number of times I reflexively typed "t" or "f" into my browser bar (which autocompletes to twitter.com or facebook.com) was honestly terrifying. Waiting for assets to build? Hit Twitter. Software update running? Quick Facebook check

How many different accounts do you have to delete though? For many of those people "t" and "f" would be substituted by "y"toube, "r"eddit, etc. It doesn't have to be a social media site, might be news you're intrested in, tech sites, deals aggregator.

I get what you mean, but for someone with habit of looking for distraction whenever they have nothing to do it won't be a cure, bandaid at best.

fullstackwife - 7 hours ago

Another problem with Twitter is that majority of content there is provided by content farms, and then it gets reacted by bots. It is difficult to get interactions with real individuals there. I'm not sure if it should called "social" anymore.

afavour - 7 hours ago

Yes, yes, heard it all before. And it’s never matched my lived experience.

Social media does have a powerful use case: keeping in touch with friends and family you don’t see often. It feels trite to watch a video of them with their kid and give it a ‘like’ but I’d miss it if it were gone. Especially if it was still there for everyone else, I’d miss their collective presence more than they’d miss my singular one.

Rather than another scolding post telling everyone to delete social media I’d much rather folks think and talk about how we can make a better social media, preferably divorced from the control of giant corporations.

- 7 hours ago
hugoromano - 5 hours ago

For those who have achieved this, well done. I've experienced the positive impact of reducing my social media usage over the years, while still keeping my accounts for the occasional need to connect. I've taken steps to limit social platforms from accessing my phone contact list and have set a cap of 20 contacts, including on WhatsApp. This has significantly reduced Meta's profiling and advertising targeting.

plutoh28 - an hour ago

Yeah social media has gotten very predatory, especially since short form content blew up due to TikTok. I’ll have chats with people that are just an exchange of instagram reels and reactions.

HN is my only form of social media now on my phone. Now, it’s time to build meaningful relationships in my life again.

mattgreenrocks - 7 hours ago

I’m hoping we look back at the social media era with some embarrassment at the amount of time we confused typing in a text box with meaningful communication.

aeternum - 4 hours ago

Why do people feel the incessant need to post about deleting/not using social media.

They're clearly hypocrites as posting to a blog or HN is pretty much the same thing.

rahidz - an hour ago

Is this text AI generated?

recursivedoubts - 6 hours ago

I doubled down on my social media account (twitter) and htmx finished first in the 2024 rising stars for front end frameworks:


so... it depends.

qwertytyyuu - 7 hours ago

Does hacker news count as social media?

ChrisArchitect - 5 hours ago


Be a property owner and not a renter on the internet


pmarreck - 5 hours ago


Because of what nindalf said, basically: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42678031

marginalia_nu - 7 hours ago

I don't think deleting social media accounts is a good idea. Used appropriately, social media can be very useful and open doors that would otherwise not be available.

The problem is when you are just looping[1], absentmindedly opening and closing news and social media sites for hours. This can eat a lot of time, and is generally pretty draining.

I've been adding separate user accounts based on what tasks I'm doing, and locking them down so they can only perform those tasks.

I have a social media account (which I'm on right now), I have a coding account which I can not access news or social media from, and I have a few other accounts. This creates friction when task switching, and makes it so I have to be a bit more deliberate with how I use the computer. (I have social media blocked on my phone, as I find that's just not compatible with a happy life)

I've also recently been setting up Site Specific Browsers[2], basically custom PWAs, a web browser with no URL bar and no tabs, to further add barriers between tasks (like checking CI) and just noodling on the web. (I use electron to do this, but you can also use chrome by starting it with --app=https://www.example.com/ . Sadly Firefox has removed the ability to do this. )

[1] https://xkcd.com/1411/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Site-specific_browser

Kim_Bruning - 7 hours ago

See also:

Don’t build your castle in other people’s kingdoms (2021)


HN Discussion:


Over2Chars - 5 hours ago

Does this mean I have to delete my friendster account?

ronnier - 6 hours ago

I just deleted bluesky and mastodon last week.

calmbonsai - 7 hours ago

Aside from Facebook (which I was never on), I'm still on Mastodon, but have let Twitter go fallow due its moribund nature.

I deleted LinkedIn (after the MSFT acquisition) 10 years ago, due to the business model change. Even prior to that, it was getting too spammy anyways.

I keep a token Instagram just for viewing the rare family/friend that insists I see something from a trip, but I never post there.

tacostakohashi - 7 hours ago

This is actually a really tough one.

Obviously, FB, twitter, insta, LinkedIn etc. are a toxic cesspool. I've left my accounts there pretty much dormant for 10+ years.

Ideally, I'd have maintained connections and contacts with my own network, using my own media, direct emails / texts, phone calls, in contexts that I controlled. The problem is... I didn't. I basically just buried my head in the sand and withdrew.

I guess the takeaway is to try to use these platforms in a positive way, as a means to an end, and not get sucked in, or to network in some other, better way, rather than withdrawing, because that's not actually a good alternative.

constantlm - 7 hours ago

Covering your eyes does not stop the oncoming train.

codr7 - 7 hours ago

I should whatever I feel like, thank you very much.

slackfan - 2 hours ago

Congrats OP, now will you join us in the real world?

PaulHoule - 7 hours ago

... this was me in 2016. (Facebook had Cambridge Analytica, LinkedIn had taken on a demonic element to me in that I'd spent years prospecting and it had brought so many grifters and bullshitters into my life I felt like I was becoming a bullshitter... It would have been one thing if I was making money but I wasn't.)

I got back into social media about 1.5 years ago when Mastodon seemed to be coming on strong. I've lately gotten into Bluesky and all I can say is: (1) come on in, the water is fine, and (2) sure it will go bad someday when the money gets tight but back in the day we expected platforms to decay and for the cool kids to move on to the next one.

surgical_fire - 7 hours ago

> he casually mentioned that Meta is teaming up with Trump to fight EU regulations affecting their platforms.

I really hope EU just bans Meta from operating here.

"There you go Zuck, you don't need to worry about our regulations anymore"

I think we would live just fine around here without their awful products. It would also serve as a cautionary tale to other companies willing to undermine regulations around here.

Deprogrammer9 - 7 hours ago

Meh I still use IRC, whatever.

iLoveOncall - 7 hours ago

> and why you should too

This is not actually explained in the article.

It rightfully explains how X, meta and others have taken a turn for the worse to say the least, but it doesn't say why I should delete my Facebook or Twitter account.

Neither do the hundreds of calls to delete such accounts in the past few weeks or months have.

I get that the point is "You should stop using such social media", but I don't get what __deleting your account__ actually adds on top, especially when put in relation to the political reasons behind stopping to use them.

jwr - 7 hours ago

I'm puzzled as to why people rage about Twitter and Facebook going down the drain, and then switch to new services like Bluesky or Threads and try to convince everyone to do the same.

I mean, why on earth would you expect anything different this time from yet another "social" thing made and run by a corporate entity?

I moved to Mastodon, which at least has the benefit of not being owned by a corporation, which will perhaps save it from the usual paths of ensh*ttification.

vlachomir - 7 hours ago

I did not know that we could post stupid stuff on hacker news.

The truth is that nobody cares if we delete our accounts on social media.

johnea - 7 hours ago

Excelent call to action.

The distictions between made "deleting the accout" and "just stop using it" are really mute. The main point is to disengage from such platforms.

Of course, almost no will. In spite of the clear conection between these platforms and individual mental health, and even more importantly massive distribution of seriously mileading "fake news", most people quite frankly just don't give a shit.

Look at the near total indifference to the petro mafia's distruction of the natural world. Most people just can't be bothered.

So when you compare something like failing to respond to corporations eliminating the ecosystem services required for life on earth, to a call to action against the crimes of asocial media, do you really expect a significant number of people to care?

I'm doubting it...

wordofx - 7 hours ago

Facebook removing 'fact' checkers is good, they weren't fact checkers, they were bias enforcers.

Community notes is far superior to the bias enforcers.

jpmattia - 6 hours ago

The right-turns on FB and Twitter make for big openings in the space. It strikes me as quite an opportunity to eat FB's lunch, just as BlueSky has been eating Twitter's lunch.

- 7 hours ago