Bad Apple but it's 6,500 regexes that I search for in Vim

339 points by vortex_ape 9 hours ago

adityaathalye - 7 hours ago

Hah, trust nolen to 1,000x something :))) I have used similar tactics in the past, but separately and definitely not in one day! For the interested:

- Bad Matrix (tput blocks to the terminal):

- Animating Text Art in Javascript (print text into fixed grid, flipbook-style):

- oxo (format and print tic-tac-toe board to terminal, so I can regex-match for win/loss/draw results):

But, I mean, that Bad Apple takes the cake!

(edit: add missing link)

jordigh - 6 hours ago

The tech demo that really made me fall in love with Bad Apple was getting it to run on the NES.

Here it is running from my Everdrive.

Yes, with full audio. It's about one gigabyte of data. On a system where the typical game size is no more than a couple hundred kilobytes, and your CPU only has three 8-bit registers for you to do any calculation with.

rav - 7 hours ago

Regarding the Vim macro that ends by going to the next line to be "replayable": You can also use the following command to run the macro once per line:

        :%norm @q
sltkr - 7 hours ago

For the rectangle minimization problem: your problem seems to differ from the one discussed on StackOverflow in that the SO thread discusses partitioning into non-overlapping rectangles, while your Vim project allows overlap.

I wouldn't be surprised if your problem turns out to be much easier to solve optimally.

PaulHoule - 7 hours ago

These were on sale last month

and my understanding is that you can upload an animated GIF to it... I just added making a "bad apple" GIF for it to my Kanban board though I don't know how much memory the device has and how well I can get it to work.

(Sometimes that part where Remmy Scarlet spreads her wings still makes chills go down my spine)

3eb7988a1663 - 7 hours ago

The parallel candidate solution generator is such a good idea, but it usually takes me a long time to realize I do not need to make the uber algorithm. Just one-more-tweak, and I know that I can make this solution work in all cases!

manosyja - 6 hours ago

I remember watching the Soccer World Cup 2006 at work. I logged in my home server via ssh and could watch it in the terminal. Not enough bandwidth for something else.

codeguro - 7 hours ago

This is pretty cool! I like the creativity. The games this is based on are pretty good too. Danmaku are hypnotic

perpetualchange - 8 hours ago

Roughly how long did that take?

lupire - 6 hours ago

As the author admits, it's Vim but it's not regexes. It's "searching" for screen coordinates.

It's drawing in Vim, but not pattern matching.

29athrowaway - 7 hours ago

The people running Doom or Bad Apple in different unexpected ways are such champs.

There are some really interesting ones, like running Doom on a pregnancy test.

GZGavinZhao - 8 hours ago

... this is why we love bad apple!

summeroflove20 - 8 hours ago


wistle - 7 hours ago
