Show HN: A Daily Digest for ReMarkable

10 points by 0xferruccio 15 hours ago

coronapl - 10 hours ago

Really interesting project! A few questions:

1. How do you send the document to the Remarkable? My understanding is that Remarkable does not provide any public APIs. Do you use one of the unofficial open-source APIs? 2. Are you using for tracking purposes? Maybe you can be more explicit about this in the Privacy Policy.

Additionally, the magic link email is landing in my spam inbox. I assume that this might be because you are using an icloud domain.

nerdw - 13 hours ago

This is really great idea, but as a Supernote user instead of ReMarkable, I just wish the output could be something different instead of tight ReMarkable integration.

yasserf - 11 hours ago

This looks incredible, thank you for creating it! I have been looking for something exactly like this for a while now