Who Can Understand the Proof? A Window on Formalized Mathematics


187 points by ColinWright 4 days ago

agentultra - 4 days ago

One of the perennial questions about proof automation has been the utility of proofs that cannot be understood by humans.

Generally, most computer scientists using proof automation don't care about the proof itself -- they care that one exists. It can contain as many lemmas and steps as needed. They're unlikely to ever read it.

It seems to me that LLMs would be decent at generating proofs this way: so long as they submit their tactics to the proof checker and the proof is found they can generate whatever is needed.

However for mathematicians, of which I am not a member of that distinguished group, seem to appreciate qualities in proofs such as elegance and simplicity. Many mathematicians that I've heard respond to the initial question believe that a proof generated by some future AI system will not be useful to humans if they cannot understand and appreciate it. The existence of a proof is not enough.

Now that we're getting close to having algorithms that can generate proofs it makes the question a bit more urgent, I think. What use is a proof that isn't elegant? Are proofs written for a particular audience or are they written for the result?

User23 - 4 days ago

I wonder if he’s familiar with Peirce’s alpha existential graphs. They are a complete propositional logic with a single axiom and, depending how you count them, 3-6 inference rules. They use only negation and conjunction.

They also permit shockingly short proofs compared to the customary notation. Which, incidentally was also devised by Peirce. Peano freely acknowledges all he did is change some of the symbols to avoid confusion (Peirce used capital sigma and pi for existential and universal quantification).

coonjecture - 4 days ago

Perhaps using Grobner basis for formal proofs [1],[2] could be similar to what appears here, that is during the proof the length of the terms (or polynomials) can grow and then at the end there is a simplification and you obtain a short grobner basis (short axioms).

A simple question, since • is nand, the theorem ((a•b)•c)•(a•((a•c)•a))=c, can be proved trivially computing the value of both sides for the 8 values of a,b,c. Also there are 2^(2^2)=16 logic functions with two variables so is trivial to verify that the theorem is valid iff • is nand. Perhaps the difficulty is proving the theorem using rules?, there must be something that I don't see (I just took a glimpse in a few seconds).

Automatic formal proofs can be useful when you are able to test [1] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpaa.2008.11.043 [2] https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3455/short4.pdf

bmc7505 - 4 days ago

Although Wolfram doesn't mention it by name, this is closely related to what he is trying to do: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_mathematics

philzook - 4 days ago

It's interesting how sometimes it feels like a topic starts showing up super often all of the sudden. It probably isn't a coincidence, since my interest and probably this post's interest is due to Tao's recent equation challenge https://teorth.github.io/equational_theories/ .

I was surprised and intrigued to find Wolfram's name when I was reading background literature doing this blog post https://www.philipzucker.com/cody_sheffer/ where I translated my friend's Lean proof of the correspondence of Sheffer stroke to Boolean algebra in my python proof assistant knuckledragger https://github.com/philzook58/knuckledragger (an easier result than Wolfram's single axiom one).

I was also intrigued reading about the equational theorem prover Waldmeister https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/automation-of-logic/s... that it may have been acquired by Mathematica? It's hard to know how Mathematica's equational reasoning system is powered behind the scenes.

Mathematica can really make for some stunning visuals. Quite impressive.

swwolfeam - a day ago

Regrettably this guy remains as toxic and polarizing as ever. It was known that the shortest proof possible is a 2 step version of the entire proof. This was publicly pointed out in the past, but this guy removed traces of it.

Now he posts this fact as a tiny footnote mark in his 5000 word blog post.

Best to avoid giving him HN as platform for self promotion

sega_sai - 4 days ago

I have not fully read the whole page, but I wonder if this type of tree of expressions leading to a proof can be explored efficiently with the same idea as Monte-Carlo Tree Search in chess. I.e. surely you can explore all the possible combinations of existing axioms/lemmas, but if you have something like NN, it can suggest the most interested branches of the tree, so you can go deeper in the tree/graph without exponential effort.

- 4 days ago
cjfd - 4 days ago

What is this central dot? I thought a central dot in boolean logic means logical and but then the axiom is clearly false..... I don't get what this is about.

ogogmad - 4 days ago

It's probably nothing, but one of the pivotal lemmas is (a|(a|(a|b))) = (a|b). Imagine replacing (a|b) with x to get (a|(a|x)) = x; then this identity can be read as "x reflected through 'a' twice gives x". It reminds me of O Loos's axiomatic approach to Symmetric Spaces where the operation | means reflect. It axioms are (x|x) = x; (x|(x|y)) = y; (x|(y|z)) = ((x|y)|(x|z)); and finally that "|" should be a smooth function over some manifold.

But then again, when "|" is NAND, it follows that (a|b)|(a|b) means NOT (a|b), which breaks the apparent link to symmetric spaces, because x reflected through itself should give back x.

- 3 days ago
graycat - 4 days ago

In proofs in math, there is the old: "Elegance is directly proportional to what you can see in it and inversely proportional to the effort it takes to see it."

daxfohl - 3 days ago

Is it "just" a problem of a few missing definitions? It reminds me of like a class that has a hundred fields and subfields and lambda types that each have their own hundreds of fields and subfields and lambda types, etc. Typically you can pull out those things, give them a name and independent existence, and the whole thing makes more sense when complete.

sylware - 4 days ago

Formal proof is so much important, since currently maths is built on set theory, I wonder how the set theory axioms are written in some of the formal solvers.

UltraSane - 3 days ago

I like the idea of having all known proofs someday formalized in something like Lean so that you could verify all of mathematics with one click. Each new proof would have to be consistent with all other proofs.

- 4 days ago
francasso - 4 days ago

Is there a relation between the "single axiom for boolean algebra" that Wolfram claims to have discovered and the fact that you can express all boolean operations with just NAND?

unkulunkulu - 4 days ago

In the bisubstitution example, I cannot see the difference between the source lemma and the target lemma. It looks like A=>A proof. Am I blind?

bumbledraven - 4 days ago

> as we’ll discuss, it’s a basic metamathematical fact that out of all possible theorems almost none have short proofs

Where in the article is this discussed?

- 3 days ago
robertkoss - 4 days ago

As someone who is completely unrelated to the academic world, is Stephen Wolfram actually working on meaningful things? I remember reading an article where he was announcing his Physics Project which got a lot of backlash from the scientific community (at least I think that was the case).

Nonetheless, every time I browse through Wolfram Alpha I am thoroughly impressed of what it can do with only Natural Language as an input.

cbm-vic-20 - 4 days ago


ur-whale - 4 days ago

Here's a meta question about this article: let's try to estimate how many people on earth, say within the next 5 years will ever read the entire article in all of its gory details?

These days, an LLM will, perhaps.

An make it palatable to puny humans.