AI in the 80s? How a Simple Animal Guessing Game Pioneered Machine Learning

69 points by rbanffy 5 days ago

maginx - a day ago

In two places the article states that the original game had the ability to save the updated tree ("it had the ability to save progress and load it during the next run" and "It is an amazing example... of how, even with such a simple language, ... and the ability to save new questions").

The later part says the opposite - that the original implementation had "No ability to save progress" and that this is new in the C++ implementation.

I can't help but wonder (also due to other language features) if the author ran the article through an AI to 'tidy up' before posting... because I've often found ChatGPT etc. to introduce changes in meaning like this, rather than just rewriting. This is not to dismiss either the article or the power of LLM's, just a curious observation :)

JKCalhoun - a day ago

This looks like "Pervading Animal" (or just "Animal") from the 1970's [1]. Said to be the first computer worm.


082349872349872 - 5 days ago

let's not forget the 60s:

PeterStuer - 21 hours ago

Bit misleading title as in the 80'd descision trees were concidered part of the discipline of AI, and you today might be surprised that machine learning was considered a diffetent discipline. This was the result of scientific kerfuffls about funding.

In practice many of us in the 'Nouvelle AI" movement that countered the ruling Symbolic AI paradigm (GOFAI was the commonn slur) had at least one foot in the ML, EA. And alife spaces as once you abandon symbolics straight programming becomes awkward fast.

frabcus - 21 hours ago

I remember the version of this called Pangolins on the ZX Spectrum. Because pangolins were an unusual case (scaly mammals).

Looking it up, apparently it was a type-in in the programmling book that came with the computer.

That's the book my (blind) dad got me to read to him which taught me to program!

onionisafruit - a day ago

This program was one of my first interactions with a pc. This was a wonderful shot of nostalgia.

YeGoblynQueenne - 10 hours ago

Not everything that is AI is machine learning. The program in the article may be using decision trees but the program is not a learning algorithm but an expert system. The difference is that machine learning is inductive, while expert systems are deductive [1].

Here's another example of doing the same thing in Prolog from Markus Triska's website, that also identifies animals by asking the user. Title "Expert Systems in Prolog":

And here's another one that identifies birds, on the Amzi Prolog website:


[1] Reasoning. Induction and deduction are forms of reasoning. You know, the thing all the LLM folks don't know how to define? We've been able to do that since before the '80s and decision trees are just one way to do it. Learning a decision tree, e.g. with a decision tree learner like ID3 or C4.5 is an inductive task. Using a (learned or hand-coded) decision tree to make a decision is a deductive one.

But hey, we don't have a definition of reasoning. Oooh nooo.

teeray - 16 hours ago

Is this the same basic idea as those 20 Questions toys? Except, I imagine, that they pre-train the “model” and load it with the 2^20 leaf nodes?

kazinator - a day ago

Guilty. I worked with a version of this program.

richardw - 20 hours ago

Nice memories. I had a version on the Amstrad called Animal Vegetable Mineral. It definitely kicked off a few neurons for me.

- 16 hours ago
egypturnash - a day ago

Opening image: AI-generated picture of a slightly melting computer, with keys that can only type words like "kgonfutz" or "oøoøøo".

I can only assume the rest of the article is also AI-generated, with a similar attention to detail. Tab closed without reading.

tzs - a day ago

I've occasionally thought about trying to organize a filesystem that way.

Dwedit - 21 hours ago

File IO was extremely hard on the early home computers, so it was very unlikely to have the ability to save and load the tree. And with such short code, there's no way to balance the tree either.

anoncow - a day ago

I am surprised that the program understood English grammar.