PEP 762 – REPL-acing the default REPL

89 points by Numerlor 2 days ago

AcerbicZero - 9 hours ago

I have been "advocating" (i.e. complaining) for better REPLs basically the entire time I've been writing code - One of my favorite pasttimes is getting all flustered and trying to throw enough extensions and custom code to get an offline style experience out of VS Code for whatever language I'm playing with at the moment, and lately its kinda been working (for Ruby, at least).

I am also very found of pointing out that Powershell still has one of the best ISE's/IDE's in the game for this kind of stuff. One window for editing, a terminal in which whatever you edit runs, and then access to every var/function/etc you just touched in that same terminal is a joyous experience that is shockingly hard to recreate for many languages. Hell half the time I'm just testing out random syntax or a portion of a function and being able to do that in the same session as the script I'm working is awesome.

With enough abuse VS code comes close (for Ruby at least, thank you Pry!) but it would be nice to get a similar experience with Python; I've used a few of the existing REPL options for python, but most of them require you to actually figure out pdb and even then it wasn't as tightly integrated as what I actually wanted.

wodenokoto - a day ago

I feel like there’s a missing discussion as to why they aren’t going with Ipython

vanous - 12 hours ago

It's a good start, and please do more... Even small QOL improvements like tab completion for filenames are important and is what makes me to install ipython at this point.

dwaltrip - 13 hours ago

This is great. Using the default REPL was always painful after getting used to ptpython. Looking forward to trying it!

behnamoh - 14 hours ago

I want a Lisp-like REPL for my Python programs that is available to the user who runs my compiled Python program (so, I want compilation as well). The user will be able to interact with my program (instead of just running the main function), change function definitions, etc. and mold the program to their specific use case while it's running.

zahlman - 9 hours ago

Now that I've actually gone and read the PEP instead of just relying on my familiarity with the changes as described elsewhere (and experienced for myself):

... Wow, significant portions of that come across to me as AI-generated. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've gotten that impression from a PEP.

devnonymous - 11 hours ago

I replied here earlier with my own pet project to essentially say that you don't need a whole lot of complexity to solve for QOL improvements in the console but was promptly downvoted, I thought that was fair and so deleted my comment.

However, now I do feel the need to say this - you really do not need a whole lot to enhance your productivity on the python REPL by a large factor, if you take advantage of some simple built-in facilities:

A. Understand the use of the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable. This alone is a big advantage. It'll allow you to you automatically import often needed modules and declare helpers that you always seem to need.

B. Once you've gotten used to that, Wrap the built-in module code (or I presume pyrepl) to add the little things that you need and point PYTHONSTARTUP to it

C. Enjoy

At the risk of being downvoted again (not that it matters, so won't delete this time), here again, shameless plug -

klreslx - 14 hours ago

I don't see the point. People who want Jupyter or an IDE know where to find it. Other people who want the basic REPL and mostly use editors anyway are annoyed.

Well, perhaps the usual suspects can get another infoworld self-promotion article out of it.

wiseowise - 11 hours ago

> The new REPL released in Python 3.13 aims to provide modern features

No `vi` mode and not planned. Very modern.