Einsum for Tensor Manipulation


80 points by peluche_ 14 days ago

taliesinb - 14 days ago

While I applaud the OP's exposition, imagine that instead of having axis names live as single-letter variables within einsum, our arrays themselves had these names attached to their axes?

It's almost like when we moved from writing machine code to structured programming: instead of being content to document that certain registers corresponding to certain semantically meaningful quantities at particular times during program execution, we manipulated only named variables and left compilers to figure out how to allocate these to registers? We're at that point now with array programming.




evnc - 14 days ago

When I see an embedded DSL passed around as strings like this I can't help but think "this could be its own programming language"

Then it could have syntax highlighting, auto complete, and so on. The type system for such a language could possibly include verifying shapes at compile time.

What would a language comprised of .ein source files for manipulating tensors, which compiles down to the same low level ops, look like?

barfbagginus - 14 days ago

If you'd like a nice, logically complete diagrams language for Einstein summation, consider this:


This article would have been better if the author had generated these kinds of diagrams, to show us what tensors the code was summing, and how. They could have easily used GPT to write the diagrammatic TiKz code, like they did for the fantasy style introduction.

But the diagrams would have illuminated the math, like real magic, while the fantasy writing didn't do any real magic because it only obfuscated the math. GPT does this when you don't give it the context to really explain things.

ziofill - 14 days ago

If you, like me, need to use einsum programmatically you'll find the less-known stringless interface way less cumbersone: e.g. matrix multiplication of A and B: `np.einsum(A, [0,1], B, [1,2])`.

namibj - 14 days ago

I like what Facebook had done on tensor comprehension. Basically generalizing from pure mul+add to other operations and allowing specifying what to reduce, as needed for e.g. expressing convolutional kernels. Sadly abandoned; I still love the conciseness.

metalrain - 14 days ago

I like how this explains the details.

One can easily dismiss use of this kind of stringly typed construct, but once you see how abstraction enables optimizations in implementation, it's kind of win-win.

keithalewis - 14 days ago

If someone told me they wrote a C library that took a string of C code that could be compiled and linked back into the program, I would suggest there might be a better solution. Einsum does not seem to be respecting the Zen of Python.

andy99 - 14 days ago

See also https://github.com/arogozhnikov/einops

Having used these (mostly translating code that used them) I see the power and benefit. I also find it takes a lot of mentally energy to get my head around them and makes readability harder.