What can LLMs never do?


460 points by henrik_w 15 days ago

cs702 - 14 days ago

Fantastic essay. Highly recommended!

I agree with all key points:

* There are problems that are easy for human beings but hard for current LLMs (and maybe impossible for them; no one knows). Examples include playing Wordle and predicting cellular automata (including Turing-complete ones like Rule 110). We don't fully understand why current LLMs are bad at these tasks.

* Providing an LLM with examples and step-by-step instructions in a prompt means the user is figuring out the "reasoning steps" and handing them to the LLM, instead of the LLM figuring them out by itself. We have "reasoning machines" that are intelligent but seem to be hitting fundamental limits we don't understand.

* It's unclear if better prompting and bigger models using existing attention mechanisms can achieve AGI. As a model of computation, attention is very rigid, whereas human brains are always undergoing synaptic plasticity. There may be a more flexible architecture capable of AGI, but we don't know it yet.

* For now, using current AI models requires carefully constructing long prompts with right and wrong answers for computational problems, priming the model to reply appropriately, and applying lots of external guardrails (e.g., LLMs acting as agents that review and vote on the answers of other LLMs).

* Attention seems to suffer from "goal drift," making reliability hard without all that external scaffolding.

Go read the whole thing.